Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Seeing Slow Progress, but Progress Nonetheless

Got up this morning, and checked out some stats. I've had 37 visits to my http://yourfreewebsitesystem.com/tj314898 site. That's a few more people over the weekend, so that's progress.

I checked in with Squidoo, where I now have 3 lenses:

I've had a total of 39 visits, but the most exciting part is that I have had 5 click-thrus to the My Online Income System hoplink directly to the Clickbank sales page. I don't have any sales on Clickbank yet, but between the free website and the hoplinks, at least some people have taken an interest. I spent part of this morning updating my Lenses (I added an RSS feed from this blog -- how cool is THAT!) and updated all of my Amazon listings to be relevant to the topic at-hand. It was actually really easy. I'm beginning to get the hang of Squidoo, and I think I really like it. I have ideas for tons more lenses, so I better figure out how to make money at it! But I'm beginning to see ways of creating online income that I didn't even realize were there before.

I wrote 2 more articles about making money online and submitted one to Ezinearticles.com and the other to ArticleShed.com. I have now submitted 4 articles to ezinearticles.com and NONE have been reviewed and posted. They say to allow ten days ... it's been 6 for the first submit. I know this is their method to pressure me to "upgrade" to premium so my articles will be reviewed and submitted in 48 hours, but I'm resisting for now. I'm giving it a bit more time, but since other article directories don't have the delay, I may start skipping ezinearticles.com. I understand they are supposed to be the biggest and the best, but if I can get 5 articles circulating 10 days faster using other sites, I may have to go that route. Anyone else having this type of issue?

I checked on my article at GoArticles.com. It has been requested 14 times, so I think that means it's getting some exposure. I haven't quite figured out exactly how to track where it is, but it's on my to-do list.

Today's tasks include visiting some forums and making comments so I create backlinks to this blog and some of my Squidoo pages. I also want to "surf for credits" on a couple sites. Of course, I also have plans to play 9 holes with one of my friends at my favorite little golf course, Minerva Park, so I'll get some fresh air and sunshine this afternoon and be completely refreshed for this evening.

Hope you all have a terrific day.

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