Thursday, July 30, 2009

I've Earned Money in 10 Days Following My Online Income System

For all you skeptics out there, I'm here to tell you that is it possible to generate an online income. I saw my first earnings yesterday in the form of income from Google AdSense ads on this blog (yes, THIS blog, go figure) and from my Squidoo lenses.

I couldn't believe it. In only 10 days doing exactly what is being laid out in the My Online Income System progam, I've made $.45. No, it's not much, I can't live on it, but what's amazing is that I've only had 45 visitors to this blog, and have made $.38. I've had 44 visitors to my 3 Squidoo lenses, and have earned $.07. I'm not spending any money on advertising, just time. I'm developing Squidoo lenses, participating in forums, writing articles, submitting links to any Free directory I can find, and writing this blog.

To be perfectly honest, I almost skipped the "monetize" section of setting up the blog because I was a skeptic. I mean, who would click on those Google ads that show up everywhere? And when I created my first Lens on Squidoo, I didn't add any Amazon books, or take advantage of any of the income-producing modules because I didn't understand. My eyes have now been opened. My paradigm has changed. I can see how this process builds on itself.

For instance, I have submitted 4 articles to, but only 1 has FINALLY been approved. When I looked at my stats on Squidoo, I had a click from my article. Who knew -- it works! When the other 3 get approved, I'll get more links to my blog and Squidoo pages.

The first article I submitted to has been requested 22 times. I don't have evidence of any clicks yet, but I'm optimistic. I mean, people are finding this blog somehow. I've submitted 2 more articles to today, so once people start looking for those, I'll get more links.

I posted comments in 3 forums today, so there are more links. I submitted this blog to dozens of directories using yesterday. It takes a couple weeks to get it through the process everywhere, but I can see now how those efforts I put in yesterday will pay dividends in days to come.

I am working on another Squidoo lens, which I hope to publish this weekend. I also want to submit more articles to the other two directories, and My goal is to visit at least one forum every day and post at least 3 to 5 comments. I'm trying to only comment where I think I can be helpful or where I have a question. I'm trying very hard NOT to spam others. I believe this process is powerful enough that my success will speak for itself in time.

I am SO glad I found My Online Income System. I believe this is a program that works and I am going to continue working it until I have regular, consistent online income.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Trina! I'm also using MOIS and am loving it.
