Thursday, August 20, 2009

Creating a Business Making Money Online

Creating a business making money online takes patience and perseverance. Even though I am seeing daily progress in traffic to my blogs, articles, Squidoo lenses, and the like, the money is not rolling in and I'm getting anxious. But I keep plugging away because I AM seeing progress. Making money online is a numbers game, and as long as my numbers keep going up, I will keep going.

I've finished the first 30 days of the My Online Income System action plan and am in the Days 30-60 tasks. Whenever I feel like I'm getting bogged down, I go back to the plan and make sure I do AT LEAST everything listed on a particular day. The one thing that I have not yet been able to accomplish, no matter how hard I try, is to post as many comments on forums as is recommended. I don't know why I find that task particularly bothersome, but I do. I have to redouble my efforts in that area, I suppose.

But article writing is actually becoming quite fun. I'm finding it easier and easier to come up with topics using keyword phrases that I think can get high in the search engines results. For instance, the phrase I'm using today is " business making money online. " I found this phrase in my keyword research, it fits all the criteria I learned in My Online Income System and I found it's actually pretty easy to fit into text. So I've written two articles using this phrase, I'm using it here today, and I already have text for a new Squidoo lens that I hope to develop later this evening, all using that phrase. This is not a phrase I would typically type in a search engine, but more than 100 people a day type it into Google on average and not many sites use it as a keyword, so it may be a winner for me.

I spent about 2 hours doing nothing but keyword research the other day. From those two hours, I came up with 12 phrases that I feel meet the criteria for a good marketing keyword, including business making money online. So my goal is to write at least 3 to 4 articles using each phrase in the next week. I have to admit that some of these article directories are frustrating because it seems to take so long to get articles to go live. I still have 4 at to be published, and I think I still have 2 at that haven't gone live yet. Those are all using keywords from last week. I know I'm still new at this, but I'm curious to see if any of these efforts are paying off as far as search results go.

Oh, but I do know this blog is now listed in the directories on both Google and Yahoo, because I did a search yesterday and Ta-Da! I'm in all 10 of the top ten spots for the name of this blog! Some results are direct links to the blog, others are from, squidoo, and a couple of the forums I've posted in. Wow, it really does work to put your blog address in your signature block.

So maybe I'll figure out how to create business making money online after all. At least I know more now than I did thirty days ago, and for that I'm grateful to Kimberley Hoffman.

In other news, I know I mentioned the site Associated Content before. This site is terrific if you want to be a freelance writer online. They don't have an affiliate-type program, as far as I can tell, so I'm plugging them for free, but that's OK. So far, I've submitted 12 articles, 8 of which have already been published (re-writes of stuff I had done in my attorney-life, mostly) and have had $29.48 deposited in PayPal, plus I'll be receiving a $10 bonus because I submitted more than 10 articles in August (it was a contest). The other cool thing is that you get paid whenever your articles get viewed -- and I've accumulated another $1.50 or so in page views. Over time, this can only get better, so I'm looking at it like building a little residual income on the side. Sweet. Now, if you kind readers would help me out and click on the links over on the right in the box labeled Associated Content Articles and read my articles, that would be so awesome! You click, I get paid. Isn't this a wonderful world?

So I have to run and work on a new Squidoo lens. If you are seeing success in creating your own business making money online, please leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.

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